Don’t Be Like Mike

We do, indeed, live in politically divisive times.

There is much to stand up for, speak out about and steel against.

But statements like the one above from the former governor of my state, who is also a fellow clergy member, have no place in our discourse. They are offensive (this one on SO many levels), distasteful and (as any good Southern girl would tell you) down right tacky.

I get it. I stay angry pretty much all the time these days…and I HATE being angry. Unlike some people, it doesn’t energize me, it plum wears me out. And I know that when I’m angry, I am not always my best self. I do not always choose my words wisely, nor do I lean on the side of kindness. But that is not okay.

As we work for peace and justice and equal rights (all things that Justice Ginsburg–spelled with a “u” and not an “e”–has fought for),  we must address the issues and attitudes. Not the personalities. We need be calling for more cooperation and collaboration instead of calling each other names.

Let’s stay away from behavior that we would not tolerate in our children.   Name calling. Shaming. Verbal attacks on people’s families. Not only is it not Christian behavior, it’s pretty indecent human behavior.

We can indeed battle injustice, rage against oppression, fight for equality and even call out other people’s mistakes without being ugly or offensive or disrespectful.   

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12 

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