A Prayer for Tax Day

May those who have waited until the last minute be swift and safe on their way to the post box (or at least be fleet of finger on their keyboards)

May those who turned in their forms weeks ago resist the urge to be smug

May those who feel taxed by the work that comes their way during this season find some relief

May those who receive a refund spend it wisely

May those counting on a refund that never quite manifested find other solutions to financial problems

Nothing is for certain except death and taxes

…except perhaps the reality that life, itself, is taxing

May all who are taxed by the ins and outs of everyday life find some rest and relief.

May all who are taxed by the decisions of our world leaders and local law makers find a way to make a difference and usher in some peace.

May all who are taxed with the struggles of figuring out how to give to God what is God’s and to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s find wisdom by cultivating a spirit of gratitude.

May all who grumble about where our tax dollars go, find some cheer while driving down a paved road and over a bridge, pulling over for a firetruck, dropping a child off at public school, sending a care package to someone serving overseas and hiking a trail at the local park.

May God’s hand guide the hearts and minds of those who decide where the money goes, and help us all to be good stewards of all that we have and all that we are.

In the name of the God to whom we all belong,


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