Peace, Love and Hope in the Wake of Violence and Tragedy

We’re all still trying go process the horrific acts of violence from this past week–bombs and synagogue shootings and remember the Kentucky grocery store shooting? Yeah, that happened this week, too. As we struggle with what our response as people of faith should be, I thought I’d share several articles, prayers and ideas that from other people of faith that I have found helpful. Hope you do to.

Saturday Prayer–Don’t Be Afraid from revgalpalblogs

From Hope to Horror from The Velveteen Rabbi

A Prayer for Pittsburgh from the Presbyterian Outlook

The Jewish tradition has beautiful rituals and prayers for dealing with death and grief. You can read the Mourner’s Kaddish (prayer) here. 

By honoring their own tradition by responding to hate with love Muslim organizations are raising thousands of dollars to benefit the victims of the Tree of Life shooting.

May God guide us all in ways of peace and love and hope.

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