Wanna Be a Better Christian? Try a Little Kindness

Want to level up in your Christian faith, but the idea of a prayer journal or daily Bible study seems daunting? Not big into small groups? Why not try being kind? Not nice, but kind.

Being kind is often confused with being nice. They are not the same thing at all. Niceness is pretty vanilla. Kindness goes beyond smiling and being polite and trying not to ruffle any feathers.

Nice is inquiring about someone’s day. Kind is actually listening to and caring about the answer.
Nice is saying thank you to the barista you see every morning. Kind is knowing her name and that she loves dogs.
Nice resents those who don’t reciprocate. Kind reaches out to all.
Nice does what is acceptable. Kind does what is right and good.
Nice needs to please people. Kind wants to care for people.

Kindness is one of the fruits of the spirit . For Christians the kindness we extend to others comes from what God has done for us through Christ. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you (Ephesians 4:32).

The Christian faith is one that needs to be practiced in order to grow. Being intentionally kind is a great way to put some feet on what we say we believe (aka walking the walk instead of just taking the talk).

I’m going to be posting about kindness on our Doubting Believer Facebook page this week to encourage us all to practice our faith through practicing kindness.

Who knows? Maybe spreading all that kindness around will put you in just the right frame of mind to start a prayer journal or begin that daily Bible study.

….and here’s a little Glen Campbell for some extra inspiration.

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