You’ll Be Counting Stars

This week the Promises Kept series was all about Abraham’s backstory–or the prequel, if you will. Here’s a recap of all things Abraham.

If you haven’t listened to this week’s episode of the new podcast, get the story here.

Here’s the “official” Abraham playlist.

This week’s message.

I hope you feel you know a little more about Abraham and have found some encouragement in this story of Promises Kept.

Next up: Joseph (the one in the technicolor dream coat, not the earthly father of Jesus).

Rev. Anne Russ is an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA), currently based in New York City. Doubting Believer provides tools and encouragement for the rollercoaster ride of your faith journey. Follow me on Facebook , Instagram and YouTube. You can also follow on TikTok. Get emails to keep up with all that is happening.

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