A Prayer for the Beginning of the End

On this day when the first vaccines are being administered to first responders, we pray:

For healthcare workers on the frontlines who are physically and mentally exhausted.

For those who continue to battle the virus in hospitals and in homes.

For the long-haulers who have been dealing with the effects of this virus for months.

For the custodians and janitors and all the unseen heroes who tirelessly clean and sanitize to keep us safe.

For the delivery drivers who have kept us well stocked and sane.

For those who are grieving loved ones lost.

For those who are out of work and for small businesses struggling to stay alive.

For those who are hungry and those who labor to make sure all have enough to eat.

For grocery clerks and pharmacy workers and all who have continued to work so that we might have the food and medicine and supplies needed to sustain us.

For the teachers who juggle in-person and online classes and who risk their own health to educate our children.

For the parents who are working full-time while serving as tutors, technicians and snack dispensers.

For pastors who have become set designers, videographers and social media gurus, all while continuing to shepherd flocks through this incredibly difficult time.

We give thanks for the gift of science and the minds of who bring us solutions and treatments for these deadly viruses.

On this day that we pray is the beginning of the end, help us draw near to you in our sorrow and grief and frustration and anger. Help us stay wise and vigilant until the danger has passed. Help us to take care of ourselves and each other so that we may continue to be Your witnesses and do Your work in this weary world.


Rev. Anne Russ is an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA), currently based in New York City. Doubting Believer provides tools and encouragement for the rollercoaster ride of your faith journey. Follow me on Facebook , Instagram and YouTube. You can also follow on TikTok. Get emails to keep up with all that is happening.

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