I’m not gonna quit now, but…

For the past 131 Fridays, I’ve posted things to read, watch or listen to that are sure to make you smile–because we all could use a little good news. It’s the longest running, unbroken spiritual practice I’ve ever maintained–seeking out good news no matter what is happening in my life or the world. And I’m not about to stop now.

However… after the events of this week, I can’t bring myself to post news of a pioneering teenager finding ways to help in COVID times or of innovations in medicine or environmental studies or even of adorable animals who’ve done something amazing.

But I think I still have some good news even in such a time as this.

We have learned that our Democracy is not something we can take for granted. Voter turnout in this country is higher than its ever been. We are using our vote and our voice. More people participating in the process is good news, indeed.

Our national leaders are looking more and more like America. A record number of women (141) in congress. Some states electing non-white senators and representatives for the first time. A proposed Presidential cabinet that includes Black, Hispanic, Asian, Indigenous and LGBTQ members. If we are to be a country governed by the people and for the people, a government that looks more like its people is also very good news.

Many people are ready to do the hard work of healing in this country. From politicians to preachers, teachers to healthcare workers, truck drivers to teenagers, war heroes to waitresses, there are many who are willing and ready to do the work of peace and justice and reconciliation.

God is still God. To acknowledge and affirm this is not to throw up our own hands and leave it all in God’s. It reminds us that we do not move forward on our own, nor do we need to rely solely on our own strength to survive the difficult days ahead. God is still God. The same God who became one of us in the form of a baby (whose birth we celebrated not long ago). The Gospel of Jesus Christ (which literally means Good News) is alive and well.

I don’t expect any of us to “feel good” on this particular Friday. But we need not lose hope. We need not give in to despair. Change is hard, and America is changing. We can, with God’s help, be the ones to help it change for the better.

Get some rest.

Talk to God.

Connect with people you love.

Take radically good care of yourself. The world needs you.

Rev. Anne Russ is an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA), currently based in New York City. Doubting Believer provides tools and encouragement for the rollercoaster ride of your faith journey. Follow me on Facebook , Instagram and YouTube. You can also follow on TikTok. Get emails to keep up with all that is happening.

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