A Prayer for Practicing Non-Violence

Loving God,

In a world where people so many cannot escape the violence, help those of us who are not under constant threat be radically committed to non-violence.

May we never glorify our friends, our family or our elected officials threatening others with harm.

May we never remain silent when others use language of hate when speaking of or to any of Your beloved children.

Help us to measure our own words–especially when we are angry…or tired…or hungry–so that we do do not contribute to the problem.

Help us to work toward reconciliation rather than insisting on harboring resentment

Help us to be gentle with ourselves, with one another and with the creation You entrusted to us.

Help us to remember who we claim to follow–a Savior who took the path of non-violence all the way to the cross (even if he flipped a few tables along the way).

In a world where far too many of your children live with the constant threat of violence, may those of us who do not encounter such danger on a regular basis never choose to invite it into our lives and communities.

In the name of the Prince of Peace we pray,


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