I believe that a faith that struggles with questions is always stronger than a faith that never asks any. Doubting Believer gives you space to ask those questions, online classes to help you discover the Bible in fun and accessible ways, encouragement for your faith journey and the ability connect online with others on similar journeys.

Doubting Believer is a progressive, inclusive Christian community that welcomes you no matter where you are on your own faith journey.

I am an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA), currently based out of New York City. I am a writer, workshop and worship leader, social media consultant and an expert encourager.

Welcome. I’m glad you’re here.

Rev. Anne Russ

Connect with Anne and Doubting Believer on Social Media (on TikTok as Free Range Pastor)

Online classes from Doubting Believer

The Gospel According to Broadway

17 Broadway Songs
17-plus Bible verses
How they work together to show us who we are called to be as people of God 

That’s Not in the Bible

Why people think certain sayings are in the Bible (when they’re not) and why it’s bad theology. Also, the six clobber verses cited to exclude the LGBTQ community and why they’re misinterpreted and misused. 

Health Hacks from the Bible

Could the Bible be the ultimate health manual? Learn why the Bible is good for you on SO many levels. 

Check out all the classes from Doubting Believer

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