Without Ruth and Naomi The Bible Wouldn’t Pass the Bechdel Test

I've just had the startling realization that The Bible just barely passes the Bechdel Test. I don't know why I'm surprised. I know that the Bible is steeped in patriarchal themes and language, but the Bechdel test just highlights it once again. For those unfamiliar, the Bechdel (or Bechdel-Wallace) test, is a media test mostly used for films. To pass the Bechdel test the film must have: at least two women characters who talk ...

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10 Men No Woman (Christian or otherwise) Should Marry

I couldn't stand it. After reading two different posts (that I at first thought were a joke) about Men Christian Women Shouldn't Marry and Women Christian Men Shouldn't Marry, I had to put together at least one list of my own. So here are my 10 Men No Christian Woman Should Marry The Guy Who Always Puts You Down to Build Himself Up A guy who belittles you when you are alone and ...

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