Five Mantras to Get You Through Christmas

This year, the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is one of the shortest ever. So you barely have time to finish off those leftovers before the Christmas onslaught begins. While many of you will have wonderful holiday experiences and make lasting heart-warming memories, time with family does not always (often?) look like something out of a Hallmark Christmas movie. There are bad histories, old grudges and deeply held resentments ...

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Five Mantras To Get You Through Christmas

It's getting down to the wire. If you haven't already begun to gather with family for Christmas, it's likely to start this weekend. Let’s just say it: holiday time with family does not always (often?) look like something out of a Hallmark Christmas movie. There are bad histories, old grudges and deeply held resentments that often get trotted out when families gather around a turkey or other large fowl. My Christmas ...

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