Halloween Party for Seniors

Our Doubting Believer Community mission emphasis in September is Older Adults--in our churches, our families and our communities. Here's an easy-to-throw Halloween Party to use with, well, anyone, but it is especially geared toward older adults.  You could do all of these activities or just one or two. Not everyone will be into it, but people who love Halloween never stop enjoying it. Guess the Weight Pumpkin  Bring in a large pumpkin ...

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Top Netflix and Network Shows for Older Adults

Nobody needs to watch too much television, but for folks who are often unable to get out and about as much as they once were, finding good shows that they enjoy can really make a difference in their lives. As I eagerly anticipate the arrival of Fall Television Premiere Week, and our mission focus this month is on older adults, I thought I'd share with you my top pics to watch ...

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