Non-Verbal Responsive Worship

In my tradition (Presbyterian Church USA), our liturgy in worship is very responsive. A lot of call and response and unison prayers. Many, many opportunities to share our germs with one another. As we think about what worship will look like when we are able to return to worshipping in person, in addition to skipping the congregational singing for now, we will also need to limit the verbal responses. ...

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Calling BS on Those Who Have Given Up on Church

If you have given up on church because the church is anti-LGBTQ, anti-women, full of hypocrites, too interested in social status and not interested enough in helping the poor and the marginalized,  you clearly haven't looked very hard for a church. There are plenty of churches (like mine) that are welcoming and affirming, have LGBTQ people and women in leadership roles, wear shorts to church and turn tiny amounts of resources ...

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