We are tired, God

Dear God, We are tired of the headlines We are tired of the news We are tired of the angry voices We are tired of unarmed black lives lost to guns held by white hands We are tired of arguments over who counts as a person deserving of rights We are tired of men telling women what to do with their bodies. We are tired of trying to win losing battles We are tired of hating and ...

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Can you lend a hand–or are you just too freaking exhausted to think about it?

Lend a hand. The river is rising, the dam is about to burst and there is no excuse. Toothless women, one-armed men, the youngest of children and immigrants coming across the border all have to lend a hand if everyone is going to make it. I think Jesus would like this song. He was a lend a hand kind of guy. That’s one of the problems folks had with him. Remember ...

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