Five Things Not to Say to Worried Parents

Many parents (particularly those of kids too young to be vaccinated) are worried about kids heading back to school. It is weighing heavily on their hearts and minds. If you want to be present and helpful, here are five things not to say to concerned parents right now. If you're worried, have your child wear a mask. Once again, for the people in the back: masks are not to ...

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A Pandemic Prayer for the Vaccinated

Note: this prayer is not meant to exclude the unvaccinated. It is to give voice and vocabulary to the frustrations and struggles I am hearing from those who are vaccinated (and am experiencing myself). I believe our prayers are most effective when we can be honest with God and ourselves about what we are thinking and how we are feeling--especially when we wish weren't feeling and thinking those things. God, ...

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A Prayer for the Beginning of the End

On this day when the first vaccines are being administered to first responders, we pray: For healthcare workers on the frontlines who are physically and mentally exhausted. For those who continue to battle the virus in hospitals and in homes. For the long-haulers who have been dealing with the effects of this virus for months. For the custodians and janitors and all the unseen heroes who tirelessly clean and sanitize to keep ...

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A Doubting Believer Guide to Masks

Wearing a mask is the official way to love your neighbor in 2020. Studies (many studies) have shown that if everyone wears a mask, the risk of transmission is ridiculously low. Some even say as little as 1.5%. In NYC, where masks have been mandatory for weeks (months!) now, we just hit the lowest death rate since March--while the rest of the non-masked country is experiencing rapid expansion of ...

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