Why Doubting Believer?

We have quite a few new folks here, so I wanted to explain where this online resource of tools and encouragement for your faith journey got its name. It's rooted in my belief that a faith that wrestles with questions will always be stronger than one that never asks any. The title itself comes from the welcome I have given at every worship service I've presided over since I began ...

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The Attack (and subsequent panic) That Never Was

Today marks the 80th anniversary of the infamous radio broadcast of Orson Welles' War of the Worlds--a story of aliens invading the earth. The telling of the story was so real that mass panic ensued as people feared it was an actual news broadcast telling people that aliens were indeed running amuck on earth. Stories abound of people running through the streets, men calling the police to volunteer to fight ...

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Why Doubting Believers are More Important than Ever

Friends, Now is the time to put your doubting skills and tendencies to work, and I'm not talking about God. I'm talking about information. When you receive information that just doesn't sound like something a particular person/organization/source would say, don't default to the-whole-world-has-gone-crazy-why-not-them way of thinking. Put on your doubting caps. Recently churches all over a Texas town got a mailer that was ostensibly from a local Presbyterian church urging them to to ...

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Asking the Wrong Questions

John 9 I always find healing stories in the Bible problematic. It’s not that I don’t believe the stories. It’s not that I don’t believe that Jesus has the power to heal. It’s that it always brings up the question—if Jesus could heal this blind man, then why doesn’t he heal my blind friend…or my mother who is dying of cancer…or my child with cerebral palsey? If Jesus is this great ...

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