Enough is > Better Than

A lot of anger is floating around out there. I'm not talking about the anger that stems from the lack of access to healthcare or the injustice that black people in our society still face. I'm speaking of the anger that comes from the many people whose only sense of worth has come from the idea that they are "better than" because they are white...or straight...or male...or Christian. Now they ...

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How Can We Hurt You?

On Monday, the New York Times ran an article about a town in Florida that is home to a federal prison that had to be temporarily relocated in the aftermath of Hurricane Michael. The people in the town are really suffering from the effects of the government shut-down. The article ends with this quote from a disgruntled Trump supporter: “I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,” she ...

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Is Your Theology Biblical?

A lot of our theology (what we believe about God) comes more from literature, pop culture and popular opinion than we'd like to admit. We all fall in to the trap of bad theology from time to time. Here's a handy six-step guide to check yourself when you think you've allowed less-than-good theology to creep in to your life.   Want more Doubting Believer? Check out our Doubting Believer Member Community. 

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Racism is for Lazy Haters

To paraphrase the late, great humorist Sam Levenson: Disliking entire groups of people because of their skin color or religion is ridiculous when there are so many perfectly legitimate reasons to dislike people on an individual basis. I've come to believe that racism is for lazy people who love to hate. Take Roseanne Barr's career-ending tweet.  Her rant against  Valerie Jarrett attacked the former Obama aid's looks (and that alone is ...

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Being Angry without Being Hateful

There is a lot to be angry* about right now, but to allow that anger to transform us into hateful creatures is to defeat ourselves instead of the ones who are causing our anger. Go ahead and be angry. You do well to be angry—but don’t use your anger as fuel for revenge. And don’t stay angry. Don’t go to bed angry. Ephesians 4:26 (The Message translation) Anger isn't a bad thing. ...

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